Working together to create a community that is healthy and safe for everyone.
Priority Goals:
- Address the health and safety concerns related to sex work experienced by residents, visitors, and businesses.
- Improve the health and safety of sex workers.
- Improve healthy lifestyle decision-making of children and youth and their parents.
- Reduce sexual exploitation of youth.
Guiding Principles
- Embrace diversity and respect all people
- Enable participation of all people
- Learn and commit to self growth as paths to change
- Stand against exploitation and social injustice
- Create understanding and build community
- Be open to listening and understanding different perspectives
The work of SAFE is coordinated by a Steering Committee that has representation from the following groups:
- Collingwood Business Improvement Association
- Collingwood Community Policing Centre
- Collingwood Neighbourhood House
- Living in Community
- PACE Society
- PEERS Vancouver
- Prevention Education
- Residents of Collingwood
- Seniors
- Vancouver Coastal Health
- Vancouver Police Department
- WISH Drop-in Centre Society
SAFE also has three working groups which focus on Public Education, Kitchen Table Discussions, and Outreach activities.
If you are interested in getting involved with the Steering Committee or any of the working groups, please let us know by sending an email to